Corporate Governance – Hedla Harvest Corporation

Corporate Governance

Our governance framework is designed to ensure the protection of stakeholder interests and promote long-term relationship

At HEDLA HARVEST CORPORATION, we are committed to maintain the highest standards of ethics and compliance, ensuring transparency, accountability, and responsible decision-making at all levels of the organization

Ethical business conduct is not just a policy for us, it's a guiding principle and is absolutely non-negotiable

We are committed to maintaining high standards of ethics and professionalism in all our operations, and we expect the same from our employees and partners. Our Code of Conduct and compliance policies guide and inform our commitment to ethical practices and behaviors, and we leave no stone unturned in ensuring that everyone involved in our business understands and adheres to these standards

Our commitment to risk management and compliance is an integral part of our business strategy. We continuously monitor and evaluate our operations to ensure that we comply with applicable laws and regulations, while proactively identifying and mitigating risks that could impact our business or reputation. This helps us navigate the dynamic landscape of the agriculture industry while upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and ensure the long-term success of our business

Effective risk management is critical to ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of any business. At our agriculture company, we take a proactive approach to risk management and have established robust principles to guide our efforts
These principles include:

Risk identification: We thoroughly identify and assess potential risks that could impact our operations, including environmental, social, and financial risks

Risk mitigation: We implement strategies and procedures to mitigate identified risks and reduce their potential impact

Risk monitoring and reporting: We regularly monitor our operations and markets to identify new risks and evaluate the effectiveness of our risk management efforts. We report on our risk management activities to our stakeholders, including investors, partners, and customers

Compliance: We prioritize compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards

Our commitment to risk management and compliance allows us to build a resilient and ensuring business that can continue to deliver value to our stakeholders for years to come
We take compliance seriously and have implemented a robust program to ensure that we are always operating ethically and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Our compliance program is designed to identify, prevent, and mitigate risks, and to promote a culture of ethics and compliance throughout the organization
The program comprises of three areas:

Regulatory Compliance, which includes policies and controls to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations on HEDLA HARVEST CORPORATION's activity involving exchange-traded or other regulated instruments

Trade Compliance, which includes policies and controls to avoid any breach of our Code of Conduct and ethical standards, as well as laws and regulations on anti-corruption and sanctions

Compliance Monitoring, which uses a risk-based approach to ensure compliance with HEDLA HARVEST CORPORATION policies and standards by monitoring our activities and transactions

Some key features of our compliance program include:

Regular training and education for employees to ensure they understand their obligations under the law and our company's policies and procedures
Policies and procedures to guide employees in their decision-making and ensure that they act in accordance with our company's values and ethical standards

Monitoring and auditing to identify potential compliance issues and ensure that our policies and procedures are being followed

The availability of a confidential reporting mechanism, such as an ethics hotline or reporting system, to enable employees to report any concerns they may have

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of compliance and ethics in all aspects of our business, and we continuously evaluate and enhance our compliance program to keep pace with changing laws and regulations
In our commitment to building a resilient and ethical business, risk and compliance governance is a top priority for us. We understand that effective governance is key to managing risks and ensuring that we comply with laws and regulations. Our governance structure includes a board-level Risk and Compliance Committee, which oversees our risk management framework, compliance programs, and internal controls. Our compliance officers enforce the principles of our multifaceted compliance and ethics program through various methods, including training and policies

We monitor our activities and transactions using a data-driven, risk-based approach to ensure compliance with our policies and standards. At the same time, we encourage our employees to speak up and report any issues or concerns through our secure and confidential Ethics line. We remain committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance to earn the trust of our stakeholders and achieve our business goals

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